How do working holiday visas work?

esl teacher with working holiday visa at the airport

Many countries are reopening their borders, allowing ESL teachers to travel abroad. So, you’ve come here because you’re ready to venture out into the world.  But, what do you need in order to teach abroad?  You may already be familiar with a few basic requirements for ESL jobs, such as completing the TEFL (Teaching English […]

How to apply and interview for schools overseas

Applying and interviewing for schools overseas can be daunting.  You face all the challenges of a domestic job hunt, plus the challenges of communicating with people in a different country. But thousands of people complete the process every year and start the adventure of a lifetime, abroad. The question is, how do you get the […]

6 books to inspire teachers traveling abroad | National Book Lovers Day

Today is National Book Lovers Day and the perfect opportunity to pick up a fantastic new read.  If you are an avid reader, you know the power that stories hold.  They take us on adventures, pull on our heart strings and keep us anticipating the next event.  Storytelling has shaped humanity as we know it, […]

The Life of a Digital Nomad, With Courtney Brady | Podcast Ep. 9

In This Episode of School of Talk ANCHOR | APPLE | SPOTIFY This episode features Courtney Brady. Six years ago Courtney decided to take a big leap. She sold all of her belongings and moved across the world to teach. It was THE best decision she’s ever made. Ever since that transition, she’s been on a personal journey of […]