Why teaching English abroad after graduation was the best decision of my life

The decision to move and teach English abroad was inspired by many sleepless nights leading up to my university graduation. I was earning my BA in behavioral sciences and entirely unsure of what I would do next. Deciding what to do after graduation. The list of options was as follows: Apply for graduate school to […]

Do you really need a visa to teach English abroad?

So, you’re a young university graduate eager to see the world. Unfortunately, the wanderlust in your soul is much greater than the funds in your bank account. What to do? Well, teaching English abroad is a great way to experience a foreign country and actually make money doing it. Wondering what you need to teach […]

Will I face age restrictions teaching abroad?

Teaching English abroad is a fantastic opportunity to travel to new places, impart valuable wisdom and make some money while you are doing it! But one nagging question that many would-be ESL teachers have is, am I too old (or too young) to teach English abroad? The answer is: it depends. Each country where English […]