13 ESL Classroom Tips You Must Know Before You Teach

Little girl learning in an ESL classroom.

Are you a new teacher gearing up for your first ESL classroom? I’ve been in your shoes before – I taught abroad in the UAE for six years and have been teaching English language learners (ELLs). Teaching English in the classroom to students who have a limited English language understanding can feel like a daunting […]

5 of the best digital literacy resources for teachers [+ free lesson plan]

Bringing digital tools and technologies into the classroom has become essential in today’s digital world. As educators, we know that our pedagogical skills, knowledge and strategies need to adapt – and adapt quickly – to keep up. It takes skill to discern information on the web and help your students spot fake news. That’s where digital literacy […]

Become a better teacher with our professional development courses

As a teacher, you never stop learning. There will be lessons you totally nail, “ah-ha!” moments that you make possible, and a ton of cute thank you cards on your desk at the end of the year. Most days, however, you’ll walk out of a lesson thinking about what went well and what you need […]

The difference between computer literacy and digital literacy

The pandemic has drastically changed schooling. Schools around the world were forced to close and switch to digital learning overnight. So, why is it important for both students and teachers to possess digital literacy skills?  Digital literacy helps students and educators safely navigate digital environments. And it goes beyond just knowing how to use a computer and […]

17 must-have digital literacy classroom apps for teachers [Free guide]

As schools continue to realize the power tablets and smartphones hold for better learning in the classroom, digital literacy has fast become one of the hottest trends in K-8 education. However, if you’re a busy teacher, you might feel the ed tech landscape is shifting under your feet too often to keep up with your […]