Set yourself apart by looking the part for a teacher interview

interview dress

According to a survey of HR Managers, most interviewers form their opinion about a specific candidate within the first 10 minutes of an interview. And no matter how prepared you are to answer some hard-hitting questions when you sit down, that’s only half the battle. A good part of that impression is formed by more […]

Four Ways to Improve Your Teach Away Application

You could be the perfect teach abroad candidate, but simple mistakes on your application could cost you your dream job. Take your time when filling out the application and read the instructions carefully to ensure the information you’re providing is correct and complete. These are four key areas to check over before you click the […]

How to succeed in teacher phone interviews

The phone interview presents a whole new set of interview challenges, as well as advantages. These arrangements may be more convenient, cutting out the need to travel and meet your employers, but putting yourself across as the perfect teacher for the role in a limited time, over the phone, can be harder. The number one […]