Teach at Linden Hall Elementary School in Japan
Private school
Internationally accredited
Internationally accredited
Latest teaching jobs at Linden Hall Elementary School in Japan
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Stay tuned for new positions at Linden Hall Elementary School. In the meantime, check out our job board for more teaching jobs worldwide.
About Linden Hall Elementary School
Linden Hall Elementary School is recognised educational institution by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Sciece and Technology. Our school is an English Immersion School where most subjects are taught in English under the national curriculum. We value Japanese tradition and culture therefore we teach our students those important traditional culture in moral education. Our aim is to develop the individual, give them confidence, and send them out into the world.
Linden Hall Elementary School contact information
Address: 6-16-58 Gojyo, Dazaifu, 40, 818-0125, Japan
Phone: +81 92-918-0111
Japan at a glance
Country information
Capital: Tokyo
Language: Japanese
Population: 127,799,000 (10th)
Currency: Yen (¥) / En (円 or 圓) (JPY)
Government: Unitary parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy
Major Religion(s): Buddhism, Shinto
Climate: Temperate
Country quick facts
More than 70% of Japan consists of mountains, including more than 200 volcanoes.
Mt. Fuji, the tallest mountain in Japan, is an active volcano.
A nice musk melon, similar to a cantaloupe, may sell for over $300US.
There are four different writing systems in Japan, romaji, katakana, hiragana, and kanji.
Japan’s literacy rate is almost 100%.
There are around 1,500 earthquakes every year in Japan.
The first novel, The Tale of Genji, was written in 1007 by a Japanese noble woman, Murasaki Shikibu.