Teach at Next Generation School in United Arab Emirates
Latest teaching jobs at Next Generation School in United Arab Emirates

About Next Generation School
Next Generation School is a comprehensive educational experience that cultivates, nurtures, and combines academic excellence with Islamic values, provides a comprehensive Arabic language program, and fosters civic responsibility to develop successful and contributing members of a global society.
Next Generation School’s educational model is built upon ways to move towards transformational approaches to learning. As we believe that we cannot teach children the way we learned and expect them to be ready for the world that they are moving into:
We are risk-takers; we can use our creativity and critical thinking skills to think out side the box.
We are happy; have growth mind-sets and can be resilient when faced with obstacles.
We understand that injustices exist; we are agents and advocates for change and justice.
We can put ourselves in the shoes of others and act positively with our mind, heart and spirit.
We practice self-regulation and can advocate for our interests, needs, goals and dreams. While remembering we are always accountable to Allah.
We understand the responsibilities in creating respectful, safe and reciprocal relationships with ourselves, others and the environment. Keeping good relationships is a part of being a good Muslim.
We are individuals who are proud of our beliefs and identity and respect and appreciate the unique identities and stories 0f those with whom we share the world.
We put continuous effort into achieving our goals and doing good work even when it becomes difficult. We are resilient.