Teach at GTunion in China
K-12 School
Private school
Latest teaching jobs at GTunion in China
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Stay tuned for new positions at GTunion. In the meantime, check out our job board for more teaching jobs worldwide.
About GTunion
Good Teachers Union began in 2009 and has helped over 1000 teachers from all around the world find teaching jobs in China. Our primary objective is to not only provide you with a suitable job in China but also help you have a positive and memorable China teaching experience. We also promise to save you time by finding a great school for you to teach at without any of hassle. Using Good Teachers Union to help you find a job makes your life easier.
Moving to China on your own is an exciting but also intimidating decision for most. Our promise to you is that we will help with any problems or questions you have during your stay in China. We understand that moving your entire life to China is a big deal and we are happy to offer unrivaled customized support to make your transition and stay in China as smooth as possible. We don’t charge you any fees for our service. It’s completely free!
The schools that we work with are put through a strenuous vetting process to make sure that they are up to our high standards. We want the best working environment possible for our Good Teachers Union teachers. Unlike other companies who drop you off at the door and leave you on your own, Good Teachers Union will offer you a strong support system until your teaching contract is finished.
GTunion contact information
Address: Beijing Inn, Building 4C, Office 301, Dongcheng, Beijing, 11, 100600, China
Phone: +86 15010164236