Teach at Kornerstone International Academy in China
Latest teaching jobs at Kornerstone International Academy in China
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Stay tuned for new positions at Kornerstone International Academy. In the meantime, check out our job board for more teaching jobs worldwide.
About Kornerstone International Academy
Kornerstone International Academy is built on the belief that child play is the focus of early childhood development. This 21st century approach will foster our new generation to become global citizens. Our core curriculum stems from the USA but with well-balanced integration of Chinese learning style. This Stepping Stone Learning System centers on the four major foundations in a person’s life: Critical Thinking & Originality, Intimate Adult-Child Connection, Healthy Personal Habits, Wholesome Character
Kornerstone International Academy contact information
Address: 111 Jingbo Lane, Minority North Street, Xingqing District, Yinchuan City, xingqing, yinchuan, 64, 750001, China
Phone: +86 13916177530