Teach at Young Hoon International Middle School in South Korea
Latest teaching jobs at Young Hoon International Middle School in South Korea
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Stay tuned for new positions at Young Hoon International Middle School. In the meantime, check out our job board for more teaching jobs worldwide.
About Young Hoon International Middle School
With ideology of honesty, diligence, and cooper-ration, Young Hoon Educational Foundation established Young Hoon Elementary School in 1965, Young Hoon Middle School in 1969, and Young Hoon High School in 1973 to nurture competent individuals with upright characters who know how to live together as a member of society.
As the world is becoming more globalized, however, it demands individuals with independence and national identity who aim for brighter future. As a result, Young Hoon International Middle School was founded in 2008 and has provided international educational curriculum that is similar to that of prestigious middle schools abroad.
Young Hoon International Middle School contact information
Address: 19, Dobong-ro 13 gagil, Gangbuk, Seoul, 11, 142-709, South Korea
Phone: +82 2-988-2132