Teach Away Telegram June 2008

If you are still planning to teach abroad in August or September, this is your last chance to apply! Vacancies are still available for:

Click here to apply online for teaching jobs!

Arriving in Your New Country

Although teaching abroad can be an experience of a lifetime, it is important to remember that as a teacher, you are an ambassador of your home country. To make sure your experience is a positive and memorable one, your home government should know where you are at all times.

The way that you behave and present yourself will largely depend on how the locals will feel about your country. Be aware that stereotypes about your own culture also exist, and that more likely than not, the way you present yourself has something to do with that.

Immediately upon your arrival in your host country, you need to register yourself with your local representation. Registering yourself is vital to your safety, especially in case of political unrest or natural disasters.

Click here for a list of overseas embassies.

Marriage in Korea

Dance clubs, nightclubs, and blind dates can be very discouraging when there are no results. It seems that in recent years, marriage in Korea has increasingly become more of an option and not so much a rite of passage as it used to be. Nowadays, Koreans are waiting longer and/or not getting married at all, but it doesn’t mean they don’t want to. To me, marriage here seems pretty high on life’s totem pole right after graduating from college and getting a successful job. The only factor interrupting the inevitable exchange of vows is the tremendous amount of pressure from parents to make sure it’s the right time and the right person. Give thanks to most Korean mothers who maintain an ultra-controlling presence within the family. I’ve recently discovered there are about 30% of the teachers at my school who are not married for various reasons. Some are too young, some are ready but haven’t found a partner yet, and others don’t really want to get married.

Teacher Story from Thailand – Katie Alvord

Katie recently went to Thailand after teaching English at a public school in Korea.

Well, I’ve now left Korea for good, leaving behind a life I have created for myself for just over a year. As the plane took off and I was looking at the night sky seeing Korea get smaller and smaller and people that I have met over the year getter further and further away; just two tears rolled down my face. I suppose one could be for the sadness I felt at that very moment at leaving some people I really care about behind, and another for the joy I was feeling at the beginning of my solo trip I have been planning for so long. Those were the best two tears I have ever cried.

The first morning I woke up feeling refreshed and in awe that I am actually in Thailand!! It’s only a 20-minute walk from the guest house to the weekend market.

Click here to read more teacher stories.

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