Teach English in Hong Kong
Certified teachers have an opportunity to use their skills in the classroom while experiencing one of the most vibrant and exciting areas in the world.
Please review Teach Away’s job board to see active listings to teach English in Hong Kong.

Salary & benefits when teaching in Hong Kong
Salary for teaching in Hong Kong
To teach English in Hong Kong, you can expect a salary ranging from HK$21,000 to HK$62,500 (approximately $3,600-$8,000 USD) per month.
Benefits for teaching in Hong Kong
Teachers can expect end-of-contract bonuses, support with career development, and sponsored visas. Accommodation may be provided by schools or, at least, assistance in finding housing.

School Locations in Hong Kong

Ready to teach in Hong Kong?
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Hong Kong at a glance
Country information
Language: Chinese, English
Population: 7,368,277
Currency: Hong Kong dollar (HKD)
Government: Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China
Major religion: Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity
Climate: Humid subtropical
Quick facts
Hong Kong became a Special Administrative Region of China on 1st July 1997.
Hong Kong has a wholly separate legal system to China.
Hong Kong has the most skyscrapers in the world.
The city’s name, Hong Kong means “Fragrant Harbor.”
Eating noodles on your birthday is believed to extend your life.
Hong Kong has more Rolls Royce’s per person than any other city in the world.